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Hi everyone, sorry I have not been posting a lot lately, I promise to do more. I have been on yelp if you have not seen me, its because I have been giving more reviews there than here. Heres my Yelp link if anyone ever wants up to date stuff. Over the last few years, I have been getting a lot more into the scene of dining out and looking for good food. I am sorry to say I am becoming more of a snob. Don't know what turned me into one, but what I hate most it poor execution of food and really bad service. Now I'm a big fan of these small mom and pop restaurants because they create something that is from their family and their heart. Most restaurants now days serve complete junk or they copy each other. There is no creation of being original. Boise is one of most hardest places to find good food, because everyone copies each other or they are chain restaurants. Now I'm not saying there aren't any good restaurants, because there are. What I am saying is that we need to grow and be more open to the types of foods in Boise, Houston is a prime example of taking in the culture and adapting to the food that comes with it. I know there are a couple Middle Eastern restaurants, Ethiopian, and Indian restaurants, but we need more. Mexican food here is not as good because everyone makes the same stuff. Mi Casa is one I do like because of the variety in seafood they offer for Mexican food. I have also travelled quite a bit to the bigger cities around the west. Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Salt Lake, Seattle, Las Vegas, San Jose and they all have one thing in common, the culture there adapted the people and their food. We need that here, and this city is only going to grow. We need to get rid of that small town mentality, whether they like it or not, its coming. We need to look to the future of our city and be ready for the growth and good people that are coming. Lets not look at it as a negative that the city population is growing, but look at it as an economic strength to the city. More money in the city helps with better roads, spending out more activities, we are so complacent with the outdoor stuff that we forget that there are plenty of activities in the city. Theres Jump now in downtown, theres the good night life of bars that service the young hipsters, theres all the different activities that happen in the parks. The outer parts of Boise is growing rapidly, whether its off of Lake Hazel or its by Micron, areas are growing and more businesses are coming. Recently we started to see that there is more development in the Asian community. Tradeviet opened up, finally a real Asian grocery store that you can buy produce and meats any day of the week. Some developers that did the Salt Lake city Chinatown are now looking at developing one in Boise. This is a good time for us to become a bigger city and support these things. There are Temples here in town, respecting all the different religions and learning from each other. Not reverting back to the past is something we all need to keep in mind. No one is perfect, but we can always work towards it.



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